The Cambridge dictionary defines elopement as ” the act of leaving home secretly in order to get married”. This summer I had the opportunity to photograph many elopements in Stevns Klint. Just the bride and the groom, very romantic and intimate. For different reasons, couples decide to elope in Denmark: to avoid the stress of planning a big wedding; to not have to deal with all the opinions and different wishes from everyone around them; for financial reasons – many couples prefer to spend all that money on a nice trip or renovating their new home. Regardless of the reason for eloping, everyone agrees that having that special day just for themselves and no one else is freaking romantic!
getting married in stevns
Having said that, this was the only couple I photographed in Stevns Klint this year who decided not to elope. Instead, they brought about fifty guests from Germany with them.
Stevns is a great option for those looking for stunning nature. Besides, Stevns City Hall has more dates available for wedding ceremonies compared to Frederiksberg and Copenhagen City Hall. And you don’t necessarily have to get married at Stevns City Hall. You can have a registrar to accompany you to Stevns Klint, and have an open air wedding or a wedding in the old church, like Amir and Annett did. This link from the Municipality of Stevns will help international couples on how to get married in Stevns.
Stevns Klint unesco world heritage
In 2014, Stevns Klint became a UNESCO Wolrd Heritage Site. The reason is the fish clay layer in the cliff, that offers evidence of the impact of a meteorite about 65 million years ago, leading to the extinction of dinosaurs and half of life on Earth.
This is an absolutely beautiful and impressive place, with a breathtaking sea view. Amir and Annett couldn’t have chosen a better place to get married in Denmark. They also ordered the perfect weather for an open air wedding. After the civil wedding ceremony in the old church of Stevns Klint, we walked to a garden near the church where their friends arranged drinks and snacks.
After taking lots of group pictures with all their guests, it was time for a few wedding portraits and some time alone (well, not completely).
The whole day was a success, very well celebrated with family and friends. And I think I can speak for these lovebirds and say that sharing this day with so many special people was also freaking romantic! Whichever celebration suits you best, just enjoy it!